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Explore the world of Shelties and what makes these wonderful dogs different from any other. Discover how you can raise the best, healthiest, happiest dog.

This website covers all aspects of the Shetland Sheepdog; Their health, diet, grooming, personality...

Yankee Shelties

What Are Shelties Like?

If you're researching different breeds and want to see if a Shetland Sheepdog would fit well with your lifestyle, find out more here:

What's Their Pedigree?

If you are looking for a quality puppy or adult, see what my adults look like and what puppies are available:

There is a written, agreed upon standard that a reputable breeder keeps in mind… a goal… a target to shoot for. Those of us concerned for the future of the breed attempt to keep our eye on that standard.  In addition, there's plenty of other work to be done. Discover what a breeder does to produce a healthy pup for you.

Yankee Shelties History

"...Our local vet had high praises for..(the pup's).. appearance and health when she saw the puppy a few days after we brought her home.  If I get the chance to have another sheltie, I will be calling Yankee Shelties."... (read more)

Paula B., Serling, VA

Finding The Best Dog for You

Most people say they want “just a pet”. But there is a big difference between a healthy pup and one that will grow chronically ill with subsequent, astronomical vet bills. The breeding of two dogs only because they have AKC registration papers, does not guarantee a quality, healthy puppy.

AKC or UKC registration simply means they are purebred, not necessarily WELL BRED. Neither registry controls the quality of the canines produced, only the "purity" of each breed's ancestors. Quality is left up to the individual breeder. And there is a big difference between a pup that LOOKS and ACTS like a Sheltie versus one that is a Shetland Sheepdog on the registration papers only.

Look for a serious breeder. It's your best bet.

"...I must say, buying my last two Shelties, now almost nine months old, from Yankee Shelties was the most rewarding experience I have had in purchasing pets and it continues to be so."... (read more)

Joan W., Newark, DE

How To Keep Them Healthy

Looking for some advice and want to take a little more control over the health of your pup? Here's what you can do:

More To Explore: